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Reverend Kimberli Lile, M.Div., MA, BCC
Pastor of United Lutheran Church at Wartburg, Mt Vernon, NY.
Director of Spiritual Care and Church Relations
Office: 914-513-5162
Email: KLile@wartburg.org


Director of Spiritual Care and Church Relations at Wartburg Adult Care Community and Pastor of United Lutheran Church at Wartburg, “Pastor Kim” is a west coast native who has lived on the eastern seaboard for most of her life between the metropolitan areas of Washington, DC, and New York City.  She was ordained a minister of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America in 1994 and became a Board-Certified Chaplain (BCC) with the Association of Professional Chaplains in 2010.
Ministry has called Kim to parishes in Washington, DC, Virginia, Maryland, and New York, as well as to university hospitals at Georgetown University and on Long Island.  Her degree in Medical Ethics (Cancer and Palliative Care) comes from Keele University in Staffordshire, England.
The call to Wartburg and to United Lutheran Church is a joyful combination of chaplaincy, religious life, and work with elders and their families, all of which are in her family’s Lutheran roots of Christian service to all people, regardless of creed.  She feels blessed to be pastor of United Lutheran Church where every Sunday service means service to our elders and those who love them.  The members of United are dedicated to assisting residents of the Wartburg Community as they make their way to church and keeping faith alive in Wartburg Chapel. 

Chapel Associate:  James Pfister
James Pfister is the Chapel Associate of Wartburg Chapel who brings together all things liturgical as organist, cantor, and liturgist.